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About Endangered Species

We Love Earth and All Earth's Creatures Big and Small!

Total number of species estimated to exist now in the world.

There are 8.7 million species known on Earth. 6.5 on Land and 2.2 in the oceans.

Learn about Endangered Species from KingDom - One of the Planetpals!

How Many Creatures Live on Earth?

As many as 11 million species could be living on the planet!

There are approximately 1.9 million species known to be on Earth (see our list below). However, the total number of species on the planet is estimated to be much higher. To date all creatures

Harriet the oldest known TortoiseCaught by DARWIN

have not been discovered!

The oldest living COLONIAL creature on Earth known to date is the Leiopathes sp.(that's the jellyfish family). It was discovered in a deep sea reef near HAWAII in 2009 and dated at 4,265 years old. Also discovered was a 2,742 year old gold coral.

The oldest living animal creature known was Harriet, a giant tortoise who celebrated her 175th birthday in 2006, when she died. She was the pet of naturalist Charles Darwin, who brought her from the Galapagos Island in 1835.

Now, what is the oldest living animal, you ask? According to Treehugger, an ocean quahog clam, named "Ming" (after the Chinese dynasty in power when it was born), has laid claim to the title of "world's longest-lived animal" at around 507 years.

Endangered Species

KingDom Says Endangered Species Is A Bad Habitat to Break!oldest clam

Endangered species are creatures that are at risk of becoming extinct. That means they could some day disappear! That happens because they are at risk of dying out or threatened by the changing environment. Not only are animals at risk but plant life is also at risk.

In the last 150 years we have had a higher rate of extinction and we believe it could be due to the changes on earth. Not only do species become extinct or endangered for natural causes, but for a number of other reasons. The primary cause is the destruction of habitat by human activities.

pandaThese activities are:

  • Over exploitation of the species by hunting
  • Over population and overbuilding which takes away their natural habitat
  • Pollution threatens their natural habitat and food supply
  • The animal trade for illegal wildlife and for valuable items such as Ivory

Some governments have made special laws to protect animals, such as hunting laws and building laws. They are also are making an effort to construct natural preserves for creatures to live in. Perhaps you have been to a nature preserve near you?

There are too many plants and animals on the endangered species list for us to list them all--They vary by category, state, country, and region of the world.

endangered species map

Check out some of the following links for more complete and detailed information.

Remember, every creature on earth has a role in the environment and the world in which they live. Each one is important, so we don't want to lose any!

Endangered Species Day:

In USA-The Third Friday of May--Endangered Species Day is a celebration of our nation’s wildlife and wild places. Started in 2006 by the United States Congress to recognize the national conservation effort to protect our nation’s endangered species and their habitats.

World Animal Day:

World Animal Day is celebrated each year on 4 October. It started in Florence, Italy in 1931 at a convention of ecologists as a way of highlighting the plight of endangered species.

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Let KingDom Teach you about creatures!

king dom

MEET King Dom:

I'm king of the world
creatures big and small
and short or tall
I watch out for all

!I care for their habitats
they rely on me
to keep them healthy,
safe, and trouble free

I won't spare a soul
from the land or the sea
each has their own role
on this earth like me!


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