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How do you type Simlie characters? Be happy, be sad, talk in CRYPTIC Language and Emoticons

Chat Smilies and Avatars Dictionary


Smileys are a fun way of expressing oneself!  And you know we love to have FUN!

@>--;--A rose
%-6 All Mixed Up
O:-) Angel
0*-) Angel wink - female
0;-) Angel wink - male
:-{ Angry
:-Z Angry face
:-{{ Angry Very
~:o Baby
~~\8-O Bad-Hair Day
(::()::) Bandaid
d:-) Baseball
:-) Basic
:-{0 Basic Mustache
:~-( Bawling
:-){ Beard
(:-{~ Beard - long
: = Beaver
%-| Been up All Night
:-)^< Big Boy
(:-) Big Face
:-)8< Big Girl
(((H))) Big Hug
:-X Big Wet Kiss
=|:o} Bill Clinton smiley
(:-D Blabber Mouth
?-( Black Eye
(:- Blank Expression
#-) Blinking
:-] Blockhead
:-! Bored
\-o I:( Botox smiley
:-}X Bow Tie-Wearing
%-6 Brain Dead
:-(=) Bucktoothed
:-E Bucktoothed Vampire
:-F Bucktoothed Vampire with One Tooth Missing
:-C Bummed Out
:-#| Bushy Mustache
}|{ Butterfly
})i({ Butterfly - an even prettier one
:( )   Cannot Stop Talking  
}:-X Cat
q:-) Catcher
C=:-) Chef
8^ Chicken
;-( Chin up
*<<<<+Christmas Tree
:-.) Cindy Crawford
:-8( Condescending Stare
:-S Confused
 :~/ Confused  
%) Confused
:-{ Count Dracula
H-) Cross-Eyed
:`-( Crying
:*( Crying softly
:'-) Crying With Joy
:'-( Crying Sadly
&:-)Curly Hair
:-@! Cursing
O-) Cyclops
:-9 Delicious
>:-> Devilish
:-e Disappointed
%-} Dizzy
:3-] Dog
:-)) Double Chin
:*) Drinking every night
:-B Drooling out of Both Sides of Mouth
:#) Drunk
.\/ Duck
:-6 Eating Something Spicy
(:-| Egghead
5:-) Elvis
:-} Embarrassed Smile
0|-) Enjoying the Sun
>-)Evil Grin
G(-'.'G) Fighting Kid - it's a straight-on smiley
l:-O FlatTop Loudmouth
:-! Foot in Mouth
=:-H Football player
:-W Forked Tongue
:^{= Frank Zappa
%*@:-) Freaking Out
/:-) Frenchman with a beret
8) Frog
 :(-   Frown 
:-< Frowning
):-( Frowning Smiley with Hair
:-/ Frustrated
=:-) Funny Hair
*:* Fuzzy
*:*} Fuzzy With a Mustache
~~:-( Getting Rained On
8*) Glasses and a Half Mustache
:oÞGrinning and sticking tongue out (type ALT+0222 on righthand number keypad)
{:-) Hair Parted in the Middle
}:-) Hair Parted in the Middle Sticking up on Sides
=:-) Hair Standing on End
:-}) Handlebar Mustache
%-) Happy Drunk
:-' Has a Dimple
:%)% Has Acne
:-# Has Braces
:(#) Has Braces variation
:-`| Have a Cold
|:-) Heavy Eyebrows
/;-) Heavy Eyebrows - Slanted
l^o Hepcat
^5 High Five
(_8^(|) Homer Simpson
(^~^~^) Hot Ass Walking Away
*^_^* Huge Dazzling Grin - it's a straight-on smiley
%*@:-( Hungover with headache
:0 Hungry
o[-<]:I am a skater or I like to skate
%*} Inebriated
(|):-)=II= Jewish Blonde
?:^[] Jim Carrey
(8 { John Lennon
@:-} Just Back From Hairdresser
:-T Keeping a Straight Face
:) Kid smiley
:-x Kiss
:-* Kiss on the cheek
>^,,^< Kitty Cat - it's a straight-on smiley
& Kitty cleaning a hind paw
>*Kitty doesn't like taking its pill
~*= Kitty running away from you
:p Kitty with tongue hanging out
@(*0*)@ Koala - it's a straight-on smiley
:-D Laughing
%OD Laughing like crazy
(-: Left Hand
?-: Left Handed Tongue Touching Nose
>;-> Lewd Remark
:-9 Licking Lips

;-, Like, Duh
:-x Lips are Sealed
8:-) Little Girl
%-) Long Bangs
%+{ Lost a Fight
|-( Lost Contact Lenses

X-( Mad
;-( Mad Look
&-lMakes Me Cry
:-(*) Makes Me Sick
:-S Makes No Sense
@@@@:-) Marge Simpson
@|-) Meditating Smiley
#:-) Messy Hair
8(:-) Mickey Mouse
:) Midget ~~:-( Mohawk
:-{ Mustache
:-{)= Mustache & Goatee
:-3 Mustache (Handlebar Type)
{:-{)} Mustache and Beard
:-# My Lips Are Sealed
(-) Needs Haircut
):-( Nordic
:/) Not Amused
8-O Omigod!
:=) Orangutan
8> Penguin
:-? Pensive
:^) Personality
3:] Pet Dog
:8) Pig
:---) Pinnochio
P-( Pirate
3:[ Pitbull
:-< Pointy Mustache
}:^#) Pointy Nosed
+<:-) Pope
**** Pop Corn
:-t Pouting
:-[ Pouting variation
+:-) Priest
;~[ Prizefighter
X:-) Propeller Head
?-) Proud of black eye
=:-) Punk
=:-( Punk Not Smiling
(-'.'-)Puppy dog - it's a straight-on
(((((:-{= Rave Dude
:-C Real Unhappy
~:-( Really Bummed Out
:-)) Really Happy
([( Robocop
[:] Robot
@};--- Rose
3:*> Rudolph the red nose reindeer
:-( Sad
:( Sad Turtle
:-d Said with a smile
:-y Said with a Smile variation
M:-) Saluting
*<|:-)Santa Claus
:-> Sarcastic
:-@ Screaming
)8-) Scuba Diver with Hair
$__$ Sees Money
:-#      Sealed Lips 
 :O      Shocked 
:-i Semi-Smile
,:-) Shaved Left Eyebrow
8-0 Shocked
+-( Shot Between the Eyes
:-V Shouting
:O Singing
~:-P Single Hair
:-/ Skeptical
':-/ Skeptical again
:-7 Skeptical variation
 :-)   Smile 
O-) Smiley After Smoking a Banana
):-) Smiley with Hair
:-, Smirk
;^) Smirking
:-i Smoking a cig
:-? Smoking a pipe
:-Q Smoking while talking
~~~~8} Snake
:-( <|Standing Firm
=%-O Stared at Computer Way Too Long
%-) Staring at a Screen for 15 hours
(8-{)} Sunglasses, Mustache, Beard
/8^{~ Sunglasses, Mustache, Goatee
:0 Surprised
 :-O  Surprised 
`:-) Sweating
,:-) Sweating on the Other Side
:-0 Talkative
:-S Talking Gibberish
-(:)(0)=8 Teletubby
:-)--- Thin as a Pin
^  Thumbs Up 
%-\ Tired
:-? Tongue Sticking Out
:-& Tongue Tied
:-a Tongue Touching Nose
*!#*!^*&:-Total Head Case
}(:-( Toupee Blowing in Wind
:-))) Triple Chin
x:-/ Uncertain
=):-) Uncle Sam
:-\ Undecided
:-| Unfazed
|:-) Unibrow
|:-| Unyielding
:-[ Vampire
:-))) Very Happy
%') Very Tired
(:-( Very Unhappy
:-< Walrus
@:-) Wavy Hair
{(:-) Wearing a Toupee
[:-) Wearing a Walkman
8-) Wearing Contacts
B-) Wearing Glasses
:-{} Wearing Lipstick
]-I Wearing Sunglasses
{:-) Wears a Toupee
:-1 Whatever
:-" Whistling
;^? Wigged Out
'-) Winking
,-) Winking Happy
;-) Winking variation
#-) Wiped out, partied all night
-=#:-) \ Wizard with Wand
:-)8 : Woman
:~) Wondering
,-} Wry and Winking
:-7 Wry Face
l-O Yawning
|^o Yawning or Snoring variation
:-(0) Yelling
=8-0 Yikes!
$-) Yuppie

Internet Smilies, Avatars and Internet CRY
PTIC Language


Cryptic Language is another way of expressing oneself-it is a SHORTCUT for words and expressions...used for chat or texting (text messaging)

  *g*              Giggle  
  *H*              Hug  
  *K*              Kiss  
  *W*             Wink  
  AFK            Away from Keyboard  
  ASAP          As Soon As Possible  
  BBL             Be Back Later  
  BBN             Bye Bye Now  
  BBS             Be Back Soon  
  BEG             Big Evil Grin  
  BF               Boy Friend  
  BRB             Be Right Back  
  BTW            By The Way  
  BWL            Bursting With Laughter  
 C&G             Chuckle and Grin  
 CID              Crying In Disgrace  
 CSG             Chuckle Snicker Grin  
 CYA             See You  
 CYAL8R       See You All Later  
 DLTBBB       Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite  
 EG                Evil Grin  
 FYI               For Your Information  
 GF                Girl Friend  
 GFN              Gone For Now  
 GMTA           Great Minds Think Alike  
 GTSY            Great To See You  
 H&K              Hugs and Kiss  
 HHIS             Hanging Head In Shame  
 IC                 I See  
 IMO             In My Opinion  
 IWALU         I Will Always Love You  
 JMO             Just My Opinion  
 JTLYK          Just To Let You Know  
 KIT               Keep In Touch  
 L8R              Later  
 LMHO           Laughing My Head Off  
 LOL              Laughs Out Loud  
 LSHMBH       Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts  
 LTS              Laughing to Self  
 LTNC            Long Time No See  
 LUWAMH      Love You With All My Heart  
 LY                Love You  
 OIC              Oh, I See  
 PDS              Please Don't Shout  
 PMFJI           Pardon Me For Jumping In  
 ROFL            Rolling On Floor Laughing  
 RTSM           Read The Silly Manual  
 SETE            Smiling Ear To Ear  
 SWL             Screaming With Laughter  
 SYS              See You Soon  
 TOY             Thinking Of You  
 TTYL            Talk To You Later  
 TTYT            Talk To You Tomorrow  
  WB              Welcome Back  
  WTG            Way To Go  
  WTH             Who The Heck  
\( 0 0)/ ___hugs!!!



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