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"I love your website.

I am director of a free university in Kingman, KS and we are sponsoring a program called Earth Angels.

We are celebrating Earth Day by hosting a week long event teaching children about conservation. We are
planting trees and flowers, recycling, taking nature walks, making bird feeders and facilitating discussion about the problems our planet is facing.

We will be using one of your recycle kits. Thanks for permission! .

Brandi Mertens , KS, USA
" I have been working with Year 2 at the British School in Tokyo.

We read your site. It is a great site, and the children loved it. They really adored the characters which appealed to their age group (6 and 7 year olds) and were thrilled that their e-mails toPlanetpals were answered.

Please thank the team there for their fantastic site, the 2 Year 2 classes here I have worked with are international children from all over the world and they are telling
everyone about Planetpals and how they love your site.

I think the work you are doing there for the awareness of green issues and the way you have developed a site that children can understand and respond to is fantastic. A heartfelt thank you. "

L. Azam, Brittish School Tokyo, Japan
"I used Planetpals last year to teach earth science to my 3rd grade students. They loved the characters! It is a fun way to learn about an important issue. We used the Planetpals recycle kits among many things!

I plan to use Planetpals again this year. I see there is a lot of new recycle items and games for my class to make it even more exciting.

Thank you!
Marion Ruth, MI
"I am so glad I found your sight. (Through Dogpile).

I am a Girl Scout Troop Leader who was looking for ideas for our Earth Day 2000 Event. You have a lot
of great ideas. I am sure I can get these girls motivated with your help.

Thanks for all the hard work. ."

Miss Dawn, USA
Your website is great!!

My husband and I recently did away with our trash pickup. What we did for a week was to recycle what trash we had. We found out the about 85% or more was recyclable Now we are trying to teach our three year old to recycle and help our planet.

Thank you for the craft page. I try and do something with crafts with him. "

Parents, USA
"I teach 23 awesome 3rd graders who will LOVE this site.

I have been "cruising" on it all morning!

Thanks for your dedication and creativity!

De Anna Rose Charles , UT, USA
"I visited your site to get ideas to incorporate into my classroom. A lesson that I have been waiting to do is teach my children the importance of planting a tree, and now I can reinforce the importance of recycling and tie it into Earthday.

You have a great site with a lot of information. Thank You, ."

Darrell Amerine , USA
"This place grows and grows! Great job. I like the new holiday pages. I will send the greetings to my friends for sure. Keep
up the good work."

Mark M, GA, USA
"I am a technology teacher employed by Campbell County
School District, Wyoming. I am in the process of finding links
that relate to our 2-6th science and social studies curriculum.

Your page is an excellent resource!

Our School District is committed to providing current, useful
information through the use of technology. "

Cathy, WY, USA
"Happy Earth Day everybody!
We are going to make hats, read books and draw pictures to celebrate Earth Day today. We are going to take books from our school library and read about our precious earth.

Our librarian will remind everyone about this special day.
WE LOVE OUR EARTH and we love Planetpals!!!!!!! "

Kindergarten101& PS Library, NY, USA
"We are looking for lots of neat activities to get involved in that allow us to help the environment and appreciate it at the same time in a fun and interesting way.

Thank you for providing this web site! "

Alliston Union Public School Environment Club ,Ontario, Canada
"I am a third grader and I am learning about ecology.

I think it is good to help the Planetpals. "

Josh, USA
"This web site was very useful to me and tomy friends.

By this we have learned a lot on recycling,and different planetpals.

We have taken a pledge that we will save our Earth from all the pollution and other unwanted dangers it is undergoing. "

Anitha, India
"I am doing a project on the environment at school, and guess where I got the facts?
On your website!!

I look after the earth alot.
I always do my bit.

At school we are being waste wise.

I love your site and all the awesome characters. I love your info!!

Phoebe, Australia
" I like to be a member of the Planetpals and I promise to be one.

What you are doing is right we must all help our only planet because its our only home and with out it we wont be living in this wonderful place called EARTH.

We must all help
to make the world a better place and that is all a got to say.
Annie, Panama
" I want o tell you that I am writing
because I am in computer classes, and the teacher told us to look for information about Earthday.

I found this, and she let me write
to you .

Tomorrow is Pan American School Earthday. That is why I am writing this. Earthday is a special because we celebrate the days of earth. I have to tell you that I really like earthday because here we recycle,and that helps the world to develop a lot."

Lara Sepulveda, Costa Rica
"Thank you so much for putting out the awareness of the earth to young people.

I am a senior in high school and I am the environmental commissioner on campus. I have been having some problems getting my ideas for Earth Day to be accepted by our administration, so I looked up Earth Day for ideas and found you guys

Rosanne Mohrmann, CA, USA
"I'm eight years old.

I really love you're web site. I''d really love to be a member.

I want to join because I want to help the earth. I love working in the garden .I hope I can be a member.

Brooke Gossett, USA
"I promise not to be a litter bug.

I promise to feed the birds and take care of our plant life.

I promise to recycle our newspapers and reuse things when possible. "

Bobby Thompson, Jr. USA
" I am a senior in elementary education at Grand View College in DesMoines, Iowa.

I am currently taking a class in elementary science methods, and one of our projects is to create a science fair display of all of the free things that we can get to enhance our curriculum.

Your site is terrific, with lots of useful information. "

Amy, IA, USA
"I like the Planetpals.

I hate to see parks with garbage all over it. Who would play there?

There should be a lot of pails. I also hate to see beaches with litter. Who would swim there?

We should be cleaning it up. "

Anthony Capobianco, USA

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